пятница, 16 апреля 2010 г.
The Japanese diet
This miracle of the Japanese clinic aiex. A miracle that within 13 days the organism passes to greater turns of work. For short terms the diet adjusts a metabolism in an organism, reconstructs it on other rhythm of work. Founders guarantee similar result at least for 2-3 years.
Conditions: within 13 days it is impossible to use sugar, salt, alcohol, flour and confectionery products. Between receptions of food it is possible to drink mineral or boiled water without restrictions. The diet should be used precisely not changing sequence since only in this case there is a change of a metabolism.
Day 1
Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 2 hard boiled egg, salad from boiled cabbage with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice.
Supper: a fish or boiled.
Day 2
Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: a fish or boiled, salad from vegetables, cabbage with vegetable oil.
Supper: 100 grams of a boiled beef, a glass of kefir.
Day 3
Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 1 big a vegetable marrow in vegetable oil.
Supper: 2 eggs in abrupt, 200 gram of a boiled beef, salad from fresh cabbage with vegetative oil.
Day 4
Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 1 crude egg, 3 greater boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 gram of firm cheese.
Supper: fruit.
Day 5
Breakfast: crude carrots with juice of a lemon.
Dinner: a fish or boiled, a glass of tomato juice.
Supper: fruit.
Day 6
Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 0.5 boiled hens, salad from fresh cabbage or carrots.
Supper: 2 eggs in abrupt, a glass of crude carrots with vegetable oil.
Day 7
Breakfast: tea
Dinner: 200. A boiled beef, fruit.
Supper: that want from suppers, except for 3-rd day (it is possible boiled crabs).
Day 8
Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 0.5 boiled hens, salad from fresh cabbage or carrots.
Supper: 2 hard boiled egg, a glass of crude carrots with vegetable oil.
Day 9
Breakfast: crude carrots with juice of a lemon.
Dinner: a greater fish or boiled, a glass of tomato juice.
Supper: fruit.
Day 10
Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 1 crude egg, 3 greater boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 гр. Firm cheese.
Supper: fruit.
Day 11
Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 1 big a vegetable marrow in vegetable oil.
Supper: 2 hard boiled eggs, 200. A boiled beef, salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil.
Day 12
Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: a fish or boiled, salad from vegetables, cabbage with vegetable oil.
Supper: 100. A boiled beef, a glass of kefir.
Day 13
Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 2 hard boiled egg, salad from boiled cabbage with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice.
Fad Diets And Supplements...
Diet for 4 groups of blood.
Type АВ (IV group) - " the Mixed type ".
7-8 % of the population of the Earth. This type of blood has resulted from evolution at merge of two opposite types - And and Century
The youngest group of blood, flexible, very sensitive immune system, combines pluss of types And and Century
Sensitive (gentle) digestive path), too "open" immune system, unstable to microbic infections, combines minuses of types And and Century
Groups of risk:
Intimate diseases, oncological diseases, anemia.
Dietary recommendations:
The is moderate-mixed diet, meat - mutton, the rabbit, the turkey, a fish, except for seafoods, dairy products (lactic, low-fat cheeses), a tofu - soya cottage cheese, bean - it is moderate, an olive oil, oil тресковой a liver, nuts - a peanut, грецкие, groats (except for buckwheat and corn), vegetables (except for pepper, black olives, corn), fruit (except for sharp and sour).
Coffee, green tea, teas from a camomile, a ginseng, zinziber, a dogrose a hawthorn.
Beer, fault, tea from mint, raspberries.
To avoid:
Aloe, a linden and tea from them.
The program of the control of weight.
To avoid:
Red meat, ham and bacon, sunflower sunflower seeds, buckwheat groats, pepper, wheat and corn.
Tofu, a fish, sour-milk products, greens, seaweed, pineapple
Vitamins and food additives:
Vitamin C, hawthorn, zinc, selenium, digestive enzymes.
Special recommendations:
When process of increase in weight begins, type АВ appears under influence of a mix of genes And and In types. Sometimes it creates special problems. For example: at you acidity of gastric juice (an attribute of type), simultaneously with peculiar to type In adaptation to meat is lowered. Therefore, though you are partially programmed to consumption of meat (type In - omnivorous), you have no sufficient acidity for effective digestion of this meat that leads to excessive adjournment of fats.
For weight reduction it is necessary to lower consumption of meat, to increase consumption of vegetables and a tofu (a fine source of fiber for types And and).
The same problem with bean, corn and grains. For type And it is fine meal, but participation of genes of type In leads to that these products lower development of insulin that conducts to delay of a metabolism. Type АВ should avoid a buckwheat, bean and corn.
Type АВ does not have such strong reaction on wheats as at types 0 and Century Nevertheless, for weight reduction it is necessary to avoid wheat and products from it.
The information on diets...
Diet for 3 groups of blood.
Type In (III group) - "Nomad".
Approximately 20,6 % of the population of the Earth. Balanced, flexible, creative. This type has resulted from migration of races.
Strong immune systems, flexible system of adaptation to changes in a diet and conditions of the environment, the balanced nervous system.
There are no congenital weaknesses, but at infringement of balance in a diet can arise and instability to rare viruses.
Groups of risk:
Diabetes of 1-st type, syndrome of chronic weariness, a multiple sclerosis.
Dietary recommendations:
Diet mixed (balanced), meat (except for chicken, duck), a fish, dairy products (it is better sour-milk, skim), eggs - is very good, groats (except for buckwheat and wheats), bean, vegetables (except for corn, tomatoes, a pumpkin, olives), fruit (except for cocoes and a rhubard).
To avoid:
Seafoods (molluscs, crabs, shrimps), pork and products from it, chicken meat.
Are recommended:
Green tea, grassy teas (a ginseng, a sage, a leaf of a raspberry), juice of a cranberry, cabbage, grape, pineapple.
Orange juice, beer, wine, coffee, black tea.
To avoid:
Tomato juice, soda drinks.
The program of the control of weight.
To exclude:
Corn, lentil, peanut, wheat, tomatoes, pork and products from it.
Green salads, grasses; eggs, a liver, veal, products from a soya - it is neutral.
Vitamins and food additives:
Magnesium, lecithin, digestive enzymes - б.
Physical exercises:
Combining physical and mental balance: walking, a bicycle, tennis, yoga.
Special recommendations:
For type In the greatest factors of a set of weight the corn, a buckwheat cereal and a peanut are. All these products suppress development of insulin (for type) and by that lower efficiency of exchange processes. As a result - weariness, a delay of water and increase of weight.
The type In as well as type 0, reacts on wheats - goes down a metabolism. When the food is insufficiently effectively digested and burnt, as fuel for an organism, it is postponed in the form of fat. But if you will combine wheat and products from it with corn, lentil and a peanut - the result will be dramatic.
If you wish to be healthy and to support normal weight - clean from a diet the set forth above products, limit consumption of fats and sugar, carry out physical exercises. Experience shows, that people with type of blood In, following to these recommendations, live a long and healthy life.
Lose That Belly Fat...
Diet for 2 groups of blood.
Type And (II group) - "Farmer".
This type has arisen at transition from the most ancient style lives (hunters) to more settled, agrarian style of a life. 37,8 % of the population of the Earth - representatives of this type. Characteristic features - a constancy, settled way of life, good adaptation to work in collective, organization.
Well adapts for change of a diet and an environment, immune and digestive systems are effective, if the corresponding diet (vegetarian) is observed.
Gentle (sensitive) digestive path, the weak immune system, opened to all infections, the raised sensitivity of nervous system.
Groups of risk:
Intimate diseases, oncology, anemia, diseases of a liver and a bilious bubble, diabetes I of type.
Dietary recommendations.
Diet - full vegetarianism:
Vegetables, dairy products - (low-fat cheese, sour-milk products, replacement - soya products: soya milk, a tofu - soya cottage cheese), groats, bean, fruit (except for sharp - an orange, a tangerine, a rhubard, bananas, cocoes), pineapples, a fish (to exclude a flounder, the halibut, a herring, caviar, and also seafoods), sugar - is moderate.
It is recommended:
Coffee, green tea, red wine. Juices - carrots, pineapple, cherry. Water with a lemon juice.
To avoid:
Orange juice, black tea, all soda drinks.
The program of the control of weight.
To exclude:
Meat (it is a little hen and the turkey), dairy products, products from wheat, pepper (any), ice-cream, sugar, oils - corn and peanut.
Vegetable oils - olive, linen; products from a soya, vegetables, pineapples.
Vitamins and food additives:
Vitamins B, With, Е, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, chrome, grassy additives and teas from them, a ginseng, a hawthorn, a thistle.
To limit:
Vitamin A, it is better to receive In-carotin from food.
Physical exercises:
Quiet and focusing - yoga.
Special recommendations:
As this type has the digestive system which has been adjusted on vegetarianism (that is has the lowered acidity of gastric juice) at it serious problems with digestion of meat for which high acidity of gastric juice is required). It is recommended to avoid some meat (it is admissible a few hens or the turkey). It will allow to keep normal weight. At people of this type, unlike type 0, meat slows down a metabolism and promotes adjournment of fat. The vegetarianism will promote also to addition of energy and protection of an organism against diseases - the weak immune system suppresses at a wrong feed.
In connection with that mucous very gentle, it is necessary to avoid a digestive path: all kinds of a spicy food (pepper of all kinds, vinegar, ketchup (and in general tomatoes), sour fruit and berries, spices); the fermented and salty food (a salty fish, a herring, cucumbers, cabbage (both salty, and fresh), a potato. It is good to eat garlic and an onions, carrots.
Dairy products - it is better sour-milk and low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese, a brynza. A source of fiber - soya products in any kind. Eggs as are necessary, as a source of fiber, vitamins and microcells (Zn, Ca, B, B-carotin).
There are no special recommendations for the program of the control of weight. Keep to a corresponding diet and a mode of physical activity. Limit sugar and chocolate.
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Diet for 1 group of blood.
Type 0 (I group) - "Hunter".
This group of blood - the most ancient. From it during evolution there were other groups. 33,5 % of the population of the Earth concern to this type - the strong, self-sufficient leader.
Strong digestive system, strong immune system cоздана for an effective metabolism and preservation.
Difficultly adapts for change of a diet and conditions of an environment, sometimes the immune system is too active and operates against the organism.
Groups of risk:
Problems of curtailing of blood, inflammatory processes - the arthritises, the raised acidity of a stomach - ulcers, allergies.
Dietary recommendations.
Meat (except for pork), a fish, seafoods, vegetables and fruit (except for sour), pineapples, rye bread in the limited quantity.
To limit:
Groats, especially porridge, wheat and products from it. Bean and a buckwheat - it is possible.
To avoid:
Cabbage, wheat and all products from it, corn and all products from it, marinades, ketchup.
Green tea, grassy teas from a dogrose, zinziber, mints, lindens, Seltzer water.
Beer, wine red and white, tea from a camomile, a ginseng, a sage, leaves of a raspberry.
To avoid:
Coffee, spirits, aloe, a strawberry leaf.
The program of the control of weight.
To exclude:
Cabbage fresh, bean, corn, wheat, citrus, ice-cream, sugar, marinades, a potato.
Sea seaweed (brown), a fish and seafoods, salt, meat (especially a beef, mutton, a liver), greens (salads, spinach).
Vitamins and food additives:
Vitamins of group In, vitamin K, calcium, manganese, iodine), sea seaweed, enzymes pancreatic.
To avoid:
Vitamin A, vitamin E.
Physical exercises:
For maintenance of the good physical form and especially in the program of downturn of weight - very intensive exercises: aerobics, skis, run, navigation.
Special recommendations:
The program of downturn of weight.
For type " 0 " the basic problem - the lowered metabolism. There are the following factors, allowing to raise speed of a metabolism and thus to lower weight:
To clean from a diet wheat and all products from it, corn, bean, lentil - they block development of insulin and by that slow down a metabolism.
To clean from a diet all kinds of cabbage and all products from an oats - they oppress development hormones (hormones of a thyroid gland) and by that slow down a metabolism.
To raise consumption of the products containing iodine - seafoods, seaweed, greens (salads, spinach), salts, and also products stimulating development, a radish. It is good to prepare for juice from them half-and-half with carrots.
There is a meat (red), a liver. These products also raise speed of a metabolism.
Intensive physical exercises.
Lose That Belly Fat...
Diet on group of blood
There are 4 groups of blood 0 (I), A (II), B (III), AB (IV)
Our ancestors possibly all have appeared in Africa of the order 100 000 years ago, and animal protein were engaged basically hunting using in food exclusively and had only the first group of blood.
About 20 thousand years ago people began to be engaged in agriculture, and a feed of the person has accordingly changed, in its diet there was a vegetative food. Under influence of the changed feed, the second group of blood was formed.
When 15 thousand years ago people have tamed cattle and began to use in addition to all in food dairy products, there was a third group of blood.
And the fourth group of blood has appeared rather recently, about 1500 thousand years ago, as a result of mixture of the second and thirds of group of blood.
A feed on group of blood, is based on the theory of doctor Д'Амо, and approves, that products are necessary for a feed depending on its group of blood for the person.
Cholestrol Diet...
четверг, 15 апреля 2010 г.
Diet and Calorie

Calorie restriction, or caloric restriction, is a dietary regimen that restricts calorie intake, where the baseline for the restriction varies, usually being the previous, unrestricted, intake of the subjects. CR when not associated with malnutrition, is thought to improve age-related health and to slow the aging process in some animals and fungi. CR is one of the few dietary interventions that has been documented to increase both the median and maximum lifespan in a variety of species, among them yeast, fish, rodents and dogs. There are currently ongoing studies on primates to show if CR works on primates, and even though they are showing positive indications it is still not certain that CR has a positive effect on longevity for primates, including humans, due to the very lengthy time required for the completion of such lifespan studies. Calorie restriction in adult men and women is associated with beneficial metabolic, hormonal, and functional changes, but the precise amount of calorie intake or body fat mass associated with optimal health and maximum longevity in humans is not known. It is possible that even moderate calorie restriction may be harmful in specific patient populations, such as lean persons who have minimal amounts of body fat. The effect of CR on IGF-1 serum levels seen in rodents has not yet been replicated in human trials. The life extension is varied, for mice and rats there is a 30-40% increase. Even though there has been research on CR for over 70 years the mechanism by which CR works is still not well understood.
Recent research has been in favour of the hypothesis that CR works by decreasing insulin levels and thereby upregulating autophagy,[8] but CR affects many other health indicators and whether insulin is the main concern is still undecided...
All about diet Here!
Diets Controversy!
In diet foods which replace the sugar with lower-calorie substitutes, there is some controversy based around the possibility that the sugar substitutes used to replace sugar are themselves harmful. Even if this question is satisfactorily resolved (which remains unlikely at this time), the question still remains as to whether the benefits of caloric reduction would outweigh the potential loss.
In many low-fat and fat-free foods the fat is replaced with sugar, flour, or other full-calorie ingredients, and the reduction in caloric value is small, if any. Furthermore, excess, digestible sugar, as well as an excess of any macronutrient, can be stored as fat.
Looking For diet. Diet info...
Process diets. Find the Best Deals for diet!
The process of making a diet version of a food usually requires finding an acceptable low calorie substitute for some high calorie ingredient. This can be as simple as replacing some or all of the food's sugar with a sugar substitute as is common with diet soft drinks such as Coca-Cola (for example Diet Coke). In some snacks, the food may be baked instead of fried thus reducing the calories. In other cases, low fat ingredients may be used as replacements.
In whole grain foods, the higher fiber content effectively displaces some of the starch component of the flour. Since certain fibers have no calories, this results in a modest caloric reduction. Another technique relies on the intentional addition of other reduced-calorie ingredients, such as resistant starch or dietary fiber, to replace part of the flour and achieve a more significant caloric reduction.
Diet food. Find the Best Deals for diet!!!
Diet food (or dietetic food) refers to any food or drink whose recipe has been altered in some way to make it part of a body modification diet. Although the usual intention is weight loss and change in body type, sometimes the intention is to aid in gaining weight or muscle as in bodybuilding supplements.
Diet and Diuretics
Diuretics induce weight loss through the excretion of water. These medications or herbs will reduce overall body weight, but will have no effect on an individual's body fat. Diuretics can thicken the blood, cause cramping, kidney and liver damage. In a single report, the death of Jacqueline Henson was found to be related to swelling in her brain, which was associated with excessive water consumption over a short period of time, while she was on a special water diet.
Diet and Medications
Certain medications can be prescribed to assist in weight loss. The most recent prescription weight loss medication released is Acomplia (generic name Rimonabant), manufactured by Sanofi Aventis. Used to treat obesity in persons with a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or above as well as for smoking cessation treatments, Acomplia is still pending FDA approval for use in the United States. Other weight loss medications, like amphetamines, are dangerous and are now banned for casual weight loss. Some supplements, including those containing vitamins and minerals, may not be effective for losing weight.
Diet and Food
A July 2008 study, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, showed dieters who keep a daily food diary (or diet journal) of what they eat lose twice as much weight as those who do not. The researchers concluded, "It seems that the simple act of writing down what you eat encourages people to consume fewer calories." Diet journaling software and websites have become popular to help people track calorie consumption, calorie burning, weight loss goals, and nutritional balance.
""Using food diaries doubles weight loss, study shows"". July 8, 2008.
Psychological aspects of weight-loss dieting
Diets affect the "energy in" component of the energy balance by limiting or altering the distribution of foods. Techniques that affect the appetite can limit energy intake by affecting the desire to overeat.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy has been effective in producing long term weight loss. Judith S. Beck has been one of the most prominent practitioners and writers to bring this method to a popular audience.
Consumption of low-energy, fiber-rich foods, such as non-starchy vegetables, is effective in obtaining satiation (the feeling of "fullness"). Exercise is also useful in controlling appetite as is drinking water and sleeping.
The use of drugs to control appetite is also common. Stimulants are often taken as a means to suppress hunger in people who are dieting. Ephedrine (through facilitating the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline) stimulates the alpha(1)-adrenoreceptor subtype, which is known to act as an anorectic. L-Phenylalanine, an amino acid found in whey protein powders also has the ability to suppress appetite by increasing the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) which sends a satiety signal to the brain.
Diet and how the body gets rid of fat
All body processes require energy to run properly. When the body is expending more energy than it is taking in (e.g. when exercising), the body's cells rely on internally stored energy sources, like complex carbohydrates and fats, for energy. The first source the body turns to is glycogen (by glycogenolysis). Glycogen is a complex carbohydrate, where 65% of it is stored in skeletal muscles and the rest in the liver (totaling about 2000 kcal in the whole body). It is created from the excess of ingested macronutrients, mainly carbohydrates. When those sources are nearly depleted, the body begins lipolysis, the mobilization and catabolism of fat stores for energy. In this process, fats, obtained from adipose tissue, or fat cells, are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids, which can be used to make energy. The primary by-products of metabolism are carbon dioxide and water; carbon dioxide is expelled through the respiratory system.
Fats are also secreted by the sebaceous glands (in the skin).
среда, 14 апреля 2010 г.
Diet and Proper nutrition
—David Livingstone, Open Letter
Food provides nutrients from six broad classes: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, dietary minerals, and water. Carbohydrates are metabolized to provide energy. Proteins provide amino acids, which are required for cell construction, especially for the construction of muscle cells. Essential fatty acids are required for brain and cell membrane construction. Vitamins and trace minerals help maintain proper electrolyte balance and are required for many metabolic processes. Dietary fiber is another food component which influences health even though it is not actually absorbed into the body.
Any diet that fails to meet minimum nutritional requirements can threaten general health (and physical fitness in particular). If a person is not well enough to be active, weight loss and good quality of life will be unlikely.
The National Academy of Sciences and the World Health Organization publish guidelines for dietary intakes of all known essential nutrients.
Sometimes dieters will ingest excessive amounts of vitamin and mineral supplements. While this is usually harmless, some nutrients are dangerous. Men (and women who don't menstruate) need to be wary of iron poisoning. Retinol (oil-soluble vitamin A) is toxic in large doses. Vitamin E supplements have been found in some studies to increase mortality, congenital heart defects in offspring and an increased risk of stroke (see the corresponding article). As a general rule, most people can get the nutrition they need from foods. In any event, a multivitamin taken once a day will suffice for the majority of the population.
Weight-loss diets which manipulate the proportion of macronutrients (low-fat, low-carbohydrate, etc.) have not been found to be more effective than diets which maintain a typical mix of foods with smaller portions and perhaps some substitutions (e.g. low-fat milk, or less salad dressing). Extreme diets may, in some cases, lead to malnutrition.
diet for women
Diet for women
Energy obtained from food
The energy intake from food is limited by the efficiency of digestion and the efficiency of utilization. The efficiency of digestion is largely dependent on the type of food being eaten, while efficiency of utilization is affected by individual factors, including body weight and hormones.
The effects of chewing, especially in elderly people, have been shown to affect the intake of micronutrients. However, there was no significant effect on the intake of macronutrients, such as sugars, fats, and proteins.
Fat loss versus muscle loss
Weight loss typically involves the loss of fat, water and muscle. Overweight people, or people suffering from obesity, typically aim to reduce the percentage of body fat. Additionally, as muscle tissue is denser than fat, fat loss results in increased loss of body volume compared with muscle loss. Reducing even 10% body fat can therefore have a dramatic effect on a person's body shape. To determine the proportion of weight loss that is due to decreased fat tissue, various methods of measuring body fat percentage have been developed.
Muscle loss during weight loss can be restricted by regularly lifting weights (or doing push-ups and other strength-oriented calisthenics) and by maintaining sufficient protein intake. Those on low-carbohydrate diets, and those doing particularly strenuous exercise, may wish to increase their protein intake. According to the National Academy of Sciences, the Dietary Reference Intake for protein is "0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight for adults."
Excessive protein intake, though not connected to declined kidney functioning in healthy individuals, may be harmful to those with certain kidney diseases There is no conclusive evidence that moderately high protein diets in healthy individuals are dangerous, it has only been shown that these diets are dangerous in individuals who already have kidney and liver problems.
Very low-calorie diets
Main article: Very low calorie diet
Very low calorie diets provide 200–800 kcal/day, maintaining protein intake but limiting calories from both fat and carbohydrates. They subject the body to starvation and produce an average weekly weight loss of 1.5–2.5 kilograms (3.3–5.5 lb). These diets are not recommended for general use as they are associated with adverse side effects such as loss of lean muscle mass, increased risks of gout, and electrolyte imbalances. People attempting these diets must be monitored closely by a physician to prevent complications.
Low-calorie diets
Main article: Calorie restriction
Low-calorie diets usually produce an energy deficit of 500–1,000 calories per day, which can result in a 0.5 kilogram (1.1 lb) weight loss per week. They include the DASH diet and Weight Watchers among others. The National Institutes of Health reviewed 34 randomized controlled trials to determine the effectiveness of low-calorie diets. They found that these diets lowered total body mass by 8% over 3–12 months.
Low-carbohydrate diets
Main article: Low-carbohydrate diet
Low carbohydrate diets such as Atkins and Protein Power are relatively high in fat and protein. They are very popular in the press but are not recommended by the American Heart Association. A review of 107 studies by Bravata et al. found that low-carbohydrate diets cause weight loss principally through calorie restriction No adverse effects from low carbohydrate diets were detected.
Low-carbohydrate diets are often ketogenic (i.e. they restrict carbohydrate intake sufficiently to cause ketosis). No-carbohydrate diets are an extreme form of low-carbohydrate diets.
Types of diets
Low-fat diets
Main article: Low-fat diet
Low-fat diets involve the reduction of the percentage of fat in one's diet. Calorie consumption is reduced but not purposely so. Diets of this type include NCEP Step I and II. A meta-analysis of 16 trials of 2–12 months' duration found that low-fat diets resulted in weight loss of 3.2 kg (7.1 lb) over eating as normal.
Diets to promote weight loss are generally divided into four categories: low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, and very low calorie. A meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials found no difference between the main diet types (low calorie, low carbohydrate, and low fat), with a 2–4 kilogram weight loss in all studies. At two years all calorie-reduced diet types cause equal weight loss irrespective of the macronutrients emphasized.
The first popular diet was "Banting", named after William Banting. In his 1863 pamphlet Letter on Corpulence, Addressed to the Public he outlined the details of a particular low-carbohydrate diet that had led to his own dramatic weight loss.
Religious and cultural dietary choices
Some cultures and religions have restrictions concerning what foods are acceptable in their diet. For example, only Kosher foods are permitted by Judaism, and Halal foods by Islam.
Diet Health
Main article: Healthy diet
A healthy diet is one that is arrived at with the intent of improving or maintaining optimal health. This usually involves consuming nutrients by eating the appropriate amounts from all of the food groups, including an adequate amount of water. Since human nutrition is complex, a healthy diet may vary widely, and is subject to an individual's genetic makeup, environment, and health. For around 20% of the human population, lack of food and malnutrition are the main impediments to healthy eating. Conversely, people in developed countries have the opposite problem; they are more concerned about obesity.
Diets for weight management
Main articles: Dieting and Diet food
A particular diet may be chosen to seek weight gain, weight loss, sports training, cardio-vascular health, avoidance of cancers, food allergies and for other reasons. Changing a subject's dietary intake, or "going on a diet", can change the energy balance and increase or decrease the amount of fat stored by the body. Some foods are specifically recommended, or even altered, for conformity to the requirements of a particular diet. These diets are often recommended in conjunction with exercise.
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"Traditional diet" is the diets of native populations such as the Native Americans, Khoisan or Australian Aborigines. Often, to qualify for cultural cuisine, traditional diets include more organic farming and seasonal food according to food origins.
Traditional diets vary with availability of local resources, such as fish in coastal towns, eels and eggs in estuary settlements, or squash, corn and beans in farming towns, as well as with cultural and religious customs and taboos. In some cases, the crops and domestic animals that characterize a traditional diet have been replaced by modern high-yield crops, and are no longer available. The slow food movement attempts to counter this trend and to preserve traditional diets.
Religious and cultural dietary choices
Some cultures and religions have restrictions concerning what foods are acceptable in their diet. For example, only Kosher foods are permitted by Judaism, and Halal foods by Islam.
Diet and life outcomes
A three-decade long study published in the British medical journal, The Lancet, found that Guatemalan men who had been well-fed soon after they were born earned almost 50% more in average salary than those who had not. The blind trial was performed by giving a high-nutrition supplement to some infants and a lower-nutrition supplement to others, with only the researchers knowing which infants received which supplements. The infants that received the high-nutrition supplement had higher average salaries as adults.
Individual dietary choices
Writers such as Michael Pollan and Mark Bittman urge reduced animal consumption in the developed world for improved health and reduced impact on the environment. Many people choose to forgo food from animal sources to varying degrees (vegetarianism, veganism, fruitarianism) for health reasons, or issues surrounding morality, or to reduce their personal impact on the environment. Raw foodism is another contemporary trend. These diets may require tuning or supplementation to meet ordinary nutritional needs.