пятница, 16 апреля 2010 г.

The Japanese diet

The Japanese diet

This miracle of the Japanese clinic aiex. A miracle that within 13 days the organism passes to greater turns of work. For short terms the diet adjusts a metabolism in an organism, reconstructs it on other rhythm of work. Founders guarantee similar result at least for 2-3 years.
Conditions: within 13 days it is impossible to use sugar, salt, alcohol, flour and confectionery products. Between receptions of food it is possible to drink mineral or boiled water without restrictions. The diet should be used precisely not changing sequence since only in this case there is a change of a metabolism.

Day 1

Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 2 hard boiled egg, salad from boiled cabbage with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice.
Supper: a fish or boiled.

Day 2

Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: a fish or boiled, salad from vegetables, cabbage with vegetable oil.
Supper: 100 grams of a boiled beef, a glass of kefir.

Day 3

Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 1 big a vegetable marrow in vegetable oil.
Supper: 2 eggs in abrupt, 200 gram of a boiled beef, salad from fresh cabbage with vegetative oil.

Day 4

Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 1 crude egg, 3 greater boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 gram of firm cheese.
Supper: fruit.

Day 5

Breakfast: crude carrots with juice of a lemon.
Dinner: a fish or boiled, a glass of tomato juice.
Supper: fruit.

Day 6

Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 0.5 boiled hens, salad from fresh cabbage or carrots.
Supper: 2 eggs in abrupt, a glass of crude carrots with vegetable oil.

Day 7

Breakfast: tea
Dinner: 200. A boiled beef, fruit.
Supper: that want from suppers, except for 3-rd day (it is possible boiled crabs).

Day 8

Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 0.5 boiled hens, salad from fresh cabbage or carrots.
Supper: 2 hard boiled egg, a glass of crude carrots with vegetable oil.

Day 9

Breakfast: crude carrots with juice of a lemon.
Dinner: a greater fish or boiled, a glass of tomato juice.
Supper: fruit.

Day 10

Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 1 crude egg, 3 greater boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 гр. Firm cheese.
Supper: fruit.

Day 11

Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 1 big a vegetable marrow in vegetable oil.
Supper: 2 hard boiled eggs, 200. A boiled beef, salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil.

Day 12

Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: a fish or boiled, salad from vegetables, cabbage with vegetable oil.
Supper: 100. A boiled beef, a glass of kefir.

Day 13

Breakfast: black coffee.
Dinner: 2 hard boiled egg, salad from boiled cabbage with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice.

Fad Diets And Supplements...

Diet for 4 groups of blood.

Diet for 4 groups of blood.

Type АВ (IV group) - " the Mixed type ".
7-8 % of the population of the Earth. This type of blood has resulted from evolution at merge of two opposite types - And and Century

The youngest group of blood, flexible, very sensitive immune system, combines pluss of types And and Century

Sensitive (gentle) digestive path), too "open" immune system, unstable to microbic infections, combines minuses of types And and Century

Groups of risk:
Intimate diseases, oncological diseases, anemia.

Dietary recommendations:
The is moderate-mixed diet, meat - mutton, the rabbit, the turkey, a fish, except for seafoods, dairy products (lactic, low-fat cheeses), a tofu - soya cottage cheese, bean - it is moderate, an olive oil, oil тресковой a liver, nuts - a peanut, грецкие, groats (except for buckwheat and corn), vegetables (except for pepper, black olives, corn), fruit (except for sharp and sour).

Coffee, green tea, teas from a camomile, a ginseng, zinziber, a dogrose a hawthorn.
Beer, fault, tea from mint, raspberries.
To avoid:
Aloe, a linden and tea from them.

The program of the control of weight.
To avoid:
Red meat, ham and bacon, sunflower sunflower seeds, buckwheat groats, pepper, wheat and corn.
Tofu, a fish, sour-milk products, greens, seaweed, pineapple

Vitamins and food additives:
Vitamin C, hawthorn, zinc, selenium, digestive enzymes.

Special recommendations:
When process of increase in weight begins, type АВ appears under influence of a mix of genes And and In types. Sometimes it creates special problems. For example: at you acidity of gastric juice (an attribute of type), simultaneously with peculiar to type In adaptation to meat is lowered. Therefore, though you are partially programmed to consumption of meat (type In - omnivorous), you have no sufficient acidity for effective digestion of this meat that leads to excessive adjournment of fats.
For weight reduction it is necessary to lower consumption of meat, to increase consumption of vegetables and a tofu (a fine source of fiber for types And and).
The same problem with bean, corn and grains. For type And it is fine meal, but participation of genes of type In leads to that these products lower development of insulin that conducts to delay of a metabolism. Type АВ should avoid a buckwheat, bean and corn.
Type АВ does not have such strong reaction on wheats as at types 0 and Century Nevertheless, for weight reduction it is necessary to avoid wheat and products from it.
The information on diets...

Diet for 3 groups of blood.

Diet for 3 groups of blood.

Type In (III group) - "Nomad".
Approximately 20,6 % of the population of the Earth. Balanced, flexible, creative. This type has resulted from migration of races.

Strong immune systems, flexible system of adaptation to changes in a diet and conditions of the environment, the balanced nervous system.

There are no congenital weaknesses, but at infringement of balance in a diet can arise and instability to rare viruses.

Groups of risk:
Diabetes of 1-st type, syndrome of chronic weariness, a multiple sclerosis.

Dietary recommendations:
Diet mixed (balanced), meat (except for chicken, duck), a fish, dairy products (it is better sour-milk, skim), eggs - is very good, groats (except for buckwheat and wheats), bean, vegetables (except for corn, tomatoes, a pumpkin, olives), fruit (except for cocoes and a rhubard).
To avoid:
Seafoods (molluscs, crabs, shrimps), pork and products from it, chicken meat.

Are recommended:
Green tea, grassy teas (a ginseng, a sage, a leaf of a raspberry), juice of a cranberry, cabbage, grape, pineapple.
Orange juice, beer, wine, coffee, black tea.
To avoid:
Tomato juice, soda drinks.

The program of the control of weight.
To exclude:
Corn, lentil, peanut, wheat, tomatoes, pork and products from it.
Green salads, grasses; eggs, a liver, veal, products from a soya - it is neutral.

Vitamins and food additives:
Magnesium, lecithin, digestive enzymes - б.

Physical exercises:
Combining physical and mental balance: walking, a bicycle, tennis, yoga.

Special recommendations:
For type In the greatest factors of a set of weight the corn, a buckwheat cereal and a peanut are. All these products suppress development of insulin (for type) and by that lower efficiency of exchange processes. As a result - weariness, a delay of water and increase of weight.
The type In as well as type 0, reacts on wheats - goes down a metabolism. When the food is insufficiently effectively digested and burnt, as fuel for an organism, it is postponed in the form of fat. But if you will combine wheat and products from it with corn, lentil and a peanut - the result will be dramatic.
If you wish to be healthy and to support normal weight - clean from a diet the set forth above products, limit consumption of fats and sugar, carry out physical exercises. Experience shows, that people with type of blood In, following to these recommendations, live a long and healthy life.

Lose That Belly Fat...

Diet for 2 groups of blood.

Diet for 2 groups of blood.

Type And (II group) - "Farmer".
This type has arisen at transition from the most ancient style lives (hunters) to more settled, agrarian style of a life. 37,8 % of the population of the Earth - representatives of this type. Characteristic features - a constancy, settled way of life, good adaptation to work in collective, organization.

Well adapts for change of a diet and an environment, immune and digestive systems are effective, if the corresponding diet (vegetarian) is observed.

Gentle (sensitive) digestive path, the weak immune system, opened to all infections, the raised sensitivity of nervous system.

Groups of risk:
Intimate diseases, oncology, anemia, diseases of a liver and a bilious bubble, diabetes I of type.

Dietary recommendations.
Diet - full vegetarianism:
Vegetables, dairy products - (low-fat cheese, sour-milk products, replacement - soya products: soya milk, a tofu - soya cottage cheese), groats, bean, fruit (except for sharp - an orange, a tangerine, a rhubard, bananas, cocoes), pineapples, a fish (to exclude a flounder, the halibut, a herring, caviar, and also seafoods), sugar - is moderate.

It is recommended:
Coffee, green tea, red wine. Juices - carrots, pineapple, cherry. Water with a lemon juice.
To avoid:
Orange juice, black tea, all soda drinks.

The program of the control of weight.
To exclude:
Meat (it is a little hen and the turkey), dairy products, products from wheat, pepper (any), ice-cream, sugar, oils - corn and peanut.
Vegetable oils - olive, linen; products from a soya, vegetables, pineapples.

Vitamins and food additives:
Vitamins B, With, Е, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, chrome, grassy additives and teas from them, a ginseng, a hawthorn, a thistle.
To limit:
Vitamin A, it is better to receive In-carotin from food.

Physical exercises:
Quiet and focusing - yoga.

Special recommendations:
As this type has the digestive system which has been adjusted on vegetarianism (that is has the lowered acidity of gastric juice) at it serious problems with digestion of meat for which high acidity of gastric juice is required). It is recommended to avoid some meat (it is admissible a few hens or the turkey). It will allow to keep normal weight. At people of this type, unlike type 0, meat slows down a metabolism and promotes adjournment of fat. The vegetarianism will promote also to addition of energy and protection of an organism against diseases - the weak immune system suppresses at a wrong feed.
In connection with that mucous very gentle, it is necessary to avoid a digestive path: all kinds of a spicy food (pepper of all kinds, vinegar, ketchup (and in general tomatoes), sour fruit and berries, spices); the fermented and salty food (a salty fish, a herring, cucumbers, cabbage (both salty, and fresh), a potato. It is good to eat garlic and an onions, carrots.
Dairy products - it is better sour-milk and low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese, a brynza. A source of fiber - soya products in any kind. Eggs as are necessary, as a source of fiber, vitamins and microcells (Zn, Ca, B, B-carotin).

There are no special recommendations for the program of the control of weight. Keep to a corresponding diet and a mode of physical activity. Limit sugar and chocolate.

Get the Celebrity Fitness Diet...

Diet for 1 group of blood.

Diet for 1 group of blood.

Type 0 (I group) - "Hunter".
This group of blood - the most ancient. From it during evolution there were other groups. 33,5 % of the population of the Earth concern to this type - the strong, self-sufficient leader.

Strong digestive system, strong immune system cоздана for an effective metabolism and preservation.

Difficultly adapts for change of a diet and conditions of an environment, sometimes the immune system is too active and operates against the organism.

Groups of risk:
Problems of curtailing of blood, inflammatory processes - the arthritises, the raised acidity of a stomach - ulcers, allergies.

Dietary recommendations.
Meat (except for pork), a fish, seafoods, vegetables and fruit (except for sour), pineapples, rye bread in the limited quantity.
To limit:
Groats, especially porridge, wheat and products from it. Bean and a buckwheat - it is possible.
To avoid:
Cabbage, wheat and all products from it, corn and all products from it, marinades, ketchup.

Green tea, grassy teas from a dogrose, zinziber, mints, lindens, Seltzer water.
Beer, wine red and white, tea from a camomile, a ginseng, a sage, leaves of a raspberry.
To avoid:
Coffee, spirits, aloe, a strawberry leaf.

The program of the control of weight.
To exclude:
Cabbage fresh, bean, corn, wheat, citrus, ice-cream, sugar, marinades, a potato.
Sea seaweed (brown), a fish and seafoods, salt, meat (especially a beef, mutton, a liver), greens (salads, spinach).

Vitamins and food additives:
Vitamins of group In, vitamin K, calcium, manganese, iodine), sea seaweed, enzymes pancreatic.
To avoid:
Vitamin A, vitamin E.

Physical exercises:
For maintenance of the good physical form and especially in the program of downturn of weight - very intensive exercises: aerobics, skis, run, navigation.

Special recommendations:
The program of downturn of weight.
For type " 0 " the basic problem - the lowered metabolism. There are the following factors, allowing to raise speed of a metabolism and thus to lower weight:
To clean from a diet wheat and all products from it, corn, bean, lentil - they block development of insulin and by that slow down a metabolism.
To clean from a diet all kinds of cabbage and all products from an oats - they oppress development hormones (hormones of a thyroid gland) and by that slow down a metabolism.
To raise consumption of the products containing iodine - seafoods, seaweed, greens (salads, spinach), salts, and also products stimulating development, a radish. It is good to prepare for juice from them half-and-half with carrots.
There is a meat (red), a liver. These products also raise speed of a metabolism.
Intensive physical exercises.

Lose That Belly Fat...

Diet on group of blood

Diet on group of blood

There are 4 groups of blood 0 (I), A (II), B (III), AB (IV)

Our ancestors possibly all have appeared in Africa of the order 100 000 years ago, and animal protein were engaged basically hunting using in food exclusively and had only the first group of blood.
About 20 thousand years ago people began to be engaged in agriculture, and a feed of the person has accordingly changed, in its diet there was a vegetative food. Under influence of the changed feed, the second group of blood was formed.
When 15 thousand years ago people have tamed cattle and began to use in addition to all in food dairy products, there was a third group of blood.
And the fourth group of blood has appeared rather recently, about 1500 thousand years ago, as a result of mixture of the second and thirds of group of blood.
A feed on group of blood, is based on the theory of doctor Д'Амо, and approves, that products are necessary for a feed depending on its group of blood for the person.
Cholestrol Diet...

четверг, 15 апреля 2010 г.

Diet and Calorie

Calorie restriction, or caloric restriction, is a dietary regimen that restricts calorie intake, where the baseline for the restriction varies, usually being the previous, unrestricted, intake of the subjects. CR when not associated with malnutrition, is thought to improve age-related health and to slow the aging process in some animals and fungi. CR is one of the few dietary interventions that has been documented to increase both the median and maximum lifespan in a variety of species, among them yeast, fish, rodents and dogs. There are currently ongoing studies on primates to show if CR works on primates, and even though they are showing positive indications it is still not certain that CR has a positive effect on longevity for primates, including humans, due to the very lengthy time required for the completion of such lifespan studies. Calorie restriction in adult men and women is associated with beneficial metabolic, hormonal, and functional changes, but the precise amount of calorie intake or body fat mass associated with optimal health and maximum longevity in humans is not known. It is possible that even moderate calorie restriction may be harmful in specific patient populations, such as lean persons who have minimal amounts of body fat. The effect of CR on IGF-1 serum levels seen in rodents has not yet been replicated in human trials. The life extension is varied, for mice and rats there is a 30-40% increase. Even though there has been research on CR for over 70 years the mechanism by which CR works is still not well understood.
Recent research has been in favour of the hypothesis that CR works by decreasing insulin levels and thereby upregulating autophagy,[8] but CR affects many other health indicators and whether insulin is the main concern is still undecided...
All about diet Here!